The world’s most dangerous countries has been published by ‘International SOS’ and ‘Control Risks’ for 2018.
Is travel in your future? If so, check out where the most dangerous countries are according to International SOS and Control Risks first.
The map includes security risk ratings that range from extreme to insignificant. They were based on several factors like crime, medical care, social and political unrest, access to medicine, infectious diseases and countries vulnerable to natural disasters.
The most dangerous countries are: Libya, Niger, Burkina, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Somalia, Eritrea, Burundi, Afghanistan, North Korea, Syria, Guyana and Haiti.
The safest countries are: South Africa, Turkey, most countries in Europe, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Chili, Uruguay, United States and Canada.
Do you agree with this map? If not please explain why in the comments section.
Green: Low risk
Yellow: Medium risk
Orange: High risk
Red: Very high risk
Lt brown: Rapidly developing risk
Pretty impressive list. All travelers must check this out before planning any trip in 2018.