I’ve Been Nominated for the Liebster Award

By JP Chartier
I would like to send out a gigantic “Thank You” to Emma at Live and Learn Travel Blog & Louise at One Foot In Europe for nominating my travel blog for the Liebster Award! Click the links to check out their excellent travel blogs.
The Liebster Award is a way for bloggers to shine a light on those lesser known blogs out there that they feel deserve a bit of the limelight. It’s also a way to connect with others in your genre and let them know you exist.
Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person that nominated you (and link back to their blog).
2. Answer 10 of their questions.
3. Nominate 10 blogs.
4. Ask 10 of your own questions
5. Let your nominees know they have been nominated!
I’ll answer 5 questions from each that nominated me (since I was lucky enough to be nominated twice!). So here it goes:
1. What has travelling taught you about yourself? Travel has taught me the art of appreciation, and it has also taught me that there are a lot of kind and loving people out in the world, you just have to give them the chance to show you.
2. What’s the number one destination on your bucket list? Without a doubt it is New Zealand! When I do go one day, I don’t think I’ll ever leave. It has everything that I love.
3. Why do you travel? I travel to see and experience the beauty of this world, and to meet the wonderful people that inhabit it, and hopefully to make new friends.
4. What’s your favorite place in the world that you have traveled to? The Smoky Mountains hold a special place in my heart ever since I was a child. The place is magical!
5. Would you rather have a week long luxury holiday, or a month of budget backpacking? I’m hardcore! I’d take the month of budget backpacking any time. I like to really get out there and experience a place hands on, and to feel it’s wildness.
6. What made you start blogging? My love of the written word and of travelling. I enjoy the connections I make with other like-minded people too, it’s amazing!
7. Beach, mountain or ocean? Mountains all the way!
8. How do your friends and family back home feel about your choice to travel? They are very supportive of my crazy lifestyle. I’ve always been the eccentric one of the family and they’ve come to expect the unusual from me.
9. If you could choose someone alive or dead to be your travel companion who would it be? (Famous or non) I would love to travel with Christopher McCandless aka Alexander Supertramp from the movie “Into the Wild.” We have similar views of life.
10. What is a top ‘insiders’ tip that you’d give to people visiting your hometown? I would tell them to check out my blog GutterPupAdventures for some great, often overlooked places of the area that are well worth their time.
The following 10 blogs I’m nominating are blogs that I feel have high quality content and deserve to be heard! So how about showing them some love?
Aperture of my Soul
Today I…
Maria Falvey
Exploring the Blue Marble
Mama Needs A Vacation
Thinking of Travel
Doria Travels the World
World Journeys
Vagabond Images
Foreign Sanctuary
Here are my 10 questions:
1. Where is the most beautiful place you’ve ever traveled to?
2. City, Ocean or Mountains?
3. List your 3 favorite travel blogs.
4. What made you start a travel blog?
5. The most important thing travel has taught you?
6. What are 3 of your favorite travel destinations?
7. What is the most important advice you could give someone just starting out with a blog?
8. How do you get people to take notice of your blog?
9. How many days a year on average do you travel?
10. Any travel hacks you’d care to share?
Again, I want to thank Emma and Louise for nominating my blog – YOU ARE AWESOME!

Thank you JP!! I am so excited!!
You’re very welcome, you deserve it
Excellent job JP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you brother!
What I need to do next? Create a post for that? How to show the award on blog?
Yeah, take a look at my post & come up with something like that. Answer my 10 questions, then come up with 10 of your own to ask the 10 blogs you pick for the award. Take your time. Be sure to link each of the blogs you elect and send them an email to let them know they’ve been nominated
Any more questions just email me.
Thank you JP!
You’re welcome, I love what you’re doing and you deserve it!
Shine on